Andrew Koichi Greene


New York, New York


(212) 328-7873


Python (numpy/pandas/sklearn),
C++, SageMath, Linux, Bash, LaTeX

Prior experience:
R, PHP, Maple, Matlab, Mathematica


Competitive programming
Fixed-gear bicycling
1960s "oldies"
Hardcore punk music

Work Experience

Quantitative Analyst / JPMorgan Chase & Co. / New York, NY
Sep 2019 - Current

Corporate and Investment Bank (CIB) QR - QR Commodities - Macro Investable Indices

Oct 2017 - Sep 2019

Corporate and Investment Bank (CIB) QR - Market Risk and Quant Research - Macro and Spreads
Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) - Internal Models Approach (IMA)

Data Science and Analytics Consultant / Chris Newlin for City Council / New York, NY
Mar 2017 - Nov 2017

Develop automated systems to process election data and campaign filings using appropriate Python libraries
Extract actionable insight using pattern recognition, anomaly detection, and data visualization
Recommend fundraising and campaign strategy based on statistical analysis and hypothesis testing
Generate predictive models of voter turnout with machine learning (regression, decision trees, random forests)

Assistant Professor of Mathematics / Manhattan College / Riverdale, NY
Aug 2012 - Jul 2017

Awarded competitive American Mathematical Society Project NExT Fellowship (2013--2014)

Researched topics in functional analysis, operator algebras, and matrix differential equations
Implemented algorithms in Python for differential equations, linear algebra, analysis, and calculus courses
Empowered 200 undergraduate STEM students annually with mathematical skills and knowledge
Designed curricula including lectures, group projects, online resources, and knowledge assessments
Advised math majors to ensure timely graduation and success in graduate school and industry
Collaborated with peers to design applied mathematics track to increase quantitative career placements
Leadership: Senator (2014--2016), Pi Mu Epsilon supervisor (2014--2016), student research mentor (2015--2017)

Graduate Assistant / University of Iowa / Iowa City, IA
Aug 2006 - Jul 2012

Organized problem-solving sessions for students in calculus, analysis, and algebra courses
Trained students in analytic reasoning, proof-writing, and optimization techniques
Supervised two undergraduate research team projects in linear algebra and applied mathematics
Leadership: COGS union steward (2012), Head TA for Calc for Business (2007-2008)


Ph.D. in Mathematics

University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA)
Aug 2006 - Jul 2012

Research Focus: Functional analysis, operator algebras, and cohomology
Thesis: ''Extensions of Hilbert Modules over Tensor Algebras''
National Science Foundation VIGRE Fellowship recipient (2008--2011)
Leadership: Math Grad Board Chair (2010), GAUSS seminar organizer (2008--2010)
GPA: 3.91/4.00

B.S. in Mathematics (Summa Cum Laude)

Bradley University (Peoria, IL)
Aug 2002 - May 2006

Minor in Economics; additional concentrations in Computer Science and Philosophy
Awarded Presidential Scholarship (University's highest academic merit scholarship)
Named Outstanding Student in Mathematics (highest departmental honor)
Named Outstanding Economics Minor
GPA: Overall 3.88/4.00; Mathematics 3.94/4.00